Performed by the Students of George Washington Preparatory High School, Music and Performing Arts Magnet
Ladera Heights Park Amphitheatre
May 28th and 29th, 2011
With the support and mentorship of BAFTA Los Angeles and its industry professionals membership, George Washington Prep School presented two performances of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.
The British Academy believes that the Bard’s tale of inter-family warfare and sad loss is something that the youth of George Washing Prep High School can relate to. They have helped cast the actors, acted as mentors throughout the rehearsals period, provided set-designers, stage managers, wardrobe assistants and worked closely with Dr. Melanie Andrews the Drama teacher at the School and director of the production.
Simultaneously a documentary was made recording the project. Covering auditions, casting, rehearsals, final preparations and actual performances, we get to know an engaging cast of students, teachers, parents and volunteers as the BAFTA LA mentors, actors, directors, and film makers struggle to keep the production together with meager resources, a cast that can decide on a whim not to show, all in modern day Shakespearean backdrop.

Romeo and Juliet – cast, crew and mentors

Cast of Romeo and Juliet, Curtis Smith, A’Donus Gillett and Kaylin Bilal and Dr. Melanie Andrews invited to attend special screening of “The Tempest” and meet with Dame Helen Mirren and director Julie Taymor. June 16th 2011.